First of all, I have to say a GIGANTIC thank you for all the kind words, encouragement, and best of all: the CARD ORDERS!!! I cannot wait to work with each of you to design a card that you love.
Speaking of that, I recently finished a birthday invitation for a very special soon-to-be-TWO-year-old. Sweet Elizabeth lives in Tucson, so I do not get to see her (or her momma) very much, but I felt very honored to create a unique invitation to her circus party!! She wanted something fun that was sans photo, and I found some really cute vintage-y circus elements to work with. Here's how it turned out:
(Now available in my Etsy shop:
I am really happy with it, and definitely couldn't have had more fun designing it. Thanks Elizabeth and Ringmaster Rachele :) I have to say that Avery and I are a little bummed that we are going to be missing out on clown dress-up, potato sack races, and giant cupcakes that look like boxes of popcorn!!! We hope you send some photos our way so we can share this sure to be BIG TOP FUN birthday with our SugarBee friends.
And just a little reminder that the holidays are approaching super duper's almost THANKSGIVING Y'ALL! Contact me asap if you need holiday cards so we can get this process started with plenty of time to send out your cards!!